
A Little About Us…


To survive being single in this dating age requires 4 things:

                  1. Strength           2. Patience        3. A Healthy Sense of Humor   and    4. Frequent visits to this website!

The Single One In The Group is not just a blog… it’s a MOVEMENT. It is designed for men & women of all ages to gather & share information about the things we experience on this journey to find someone whom we’re the least likely to hate once the “Honeymoon Phase” is over!

Founded in August of 2014, The Single One In The Group was destined to be more than a thread of blog posts whining about the woes of the single life. The main idea was to provide a universal space where people could congregate to not only discuss dating and relationships, but to participate in social events under the premise of LIVING. As in… “Living your life like it’s GOLDEN“, regardless of your current relationship status.

Operating as an arena of “dope, down to earth professionals who are living life and traveling the world”, The Single One In The Group has hosted over 26 events to date… including a group trip to Cancun, Mexico in March 2015 and 4 upcoming group trips to Montego Bay, Jamaica in July 2016, New Orleans Louisiana in October 2016, Paris & Rome with an optional extension to Athens, Greece in July 2017, and Barcelona, Spain in December 2017.

The focus here is Singles but we don’t discriminate against those in relationships. Why?… because once we find the right person we’ll be in one too! We understand that companionship is a journey and for many of us a roller-coaster of changing relationship statuses and self growth.

Ultimately, the goal is happiness and leading a full life. Our supporters and participants all range from single, happily taken, and even married folks who understand the beauty of fun fellowship and leading a life full of exploration and new experiences.

In the blog we’ll cover dates, relationships, situationships & everything in between as we try to figure out if it’s really “not you, it’s me”. Don’t think of it as my blog… think of it as OUR BLOG.

And when you’re not catching up on posts… you can come meet us at some super dope event that’s been scheduled in on our calendar.

Much love… Ciao!




I’m a 31 year old Texan turned New Yorker. Currently single & trying to figure out if it’s because of me or the Universe. I’m an optimistic pessimist who is also a hopeless romantic. Oh, and I’m single. Just thought I’d mention that again.

Where to Find Us Online




Below is a list & links to the online places where you can find us. Be sure to follow us so you can always be current on what we have going on!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thesingleoneinthegroup

Twitter: @Single1NTheGrou

Instagram: @thesingleoneinthegroup

Meetup Page: http://www.meetup.com/The-Single-One-In-The-Group

Tumblr: http://thesingleoneinthegroup.tumblr.com/

Google+: thesingleoneinthegroup

Be sure to check us out and subscribe, follow or add us where appropriate.


And above all else…

