Listen. In dealing with scenarios relating to this topic, I’ve come to the realization that I am a bit more strict than most. I’ll admit though, that even though I expect a high level of compliance with my friends when it comes to “The Girl Code” I submit myself to […]
First off, I’d like to give LQ a quick shout out for allowing me to share some of my experiences on her blog. I felt like my first post, should be about something I know very well about. Dating and Social Media. As we all know “Cuffing Season” is upon […]
I don’t understand why some females think waiting to have sex with a guy will make them like you more. In reality, a guy will do whatever and wait for however long you want him to. Let’s be real… relationships are based off physical attraction. Most women know if they would […]
I already know the fellas are going to be mad at me for this one. I’m sure of it. lol But in my defense, pretty much everything I’m about to say can be applied to females as well. This isn’t related to intelligence at all, but more so to expectations, […]
Does planning matter when dating? Or am I just that anal and obsessive compulsive? Mr. Nice guy tells me that we are going to the movies on Friday. Cool! I would not be getting off until 6pm. I informed him that I would go straight home and get dressed. I never […]
This has probably been a debate since the beginning of time. The million dollar question? Who is responsible for the check at the end of a date? Now I don’t claim to have the correct answer or to represent the opinions of all singles. .. so as a disclaimer don’t […]
So as I typed that title I envisioned people reading it and thinking, “Wait, What!?” Honestly that’s the reaction I was going for. And yes you read it correctly, successful men and your lunch time habits can be related… and I’ll tell you how.
I know I’m not the only one who has or is going through this! Ya know, when the people you’ve been dating lately are so 1. Wack 2. Boring 2. Rude 3. Annoying 4. Misleading 5. Aggressive 5. Not even cute enough to be acting like this ect. …. that […]
Ladies, let’s talk for a minute. More specifically, SINGLE ladies. Let’s say, for the sake of example, that you’re dating this very attractive & promising guy. So far he is everything you look for in a man.. so you focus your attention on him. He’s who you’re most excited about […]
Listen guys.. I get it! When taking an honest reflection of modern dating rituals I can sympathize with some of what you guys go through when it comes to women. Now I don’t claim to be “one of the guys”. Nor do I claim to know what you’re thinking or […]
Natia. 35. New York, Ny 1. In a few sentences or less, please describe what you look for in a mate. Start at initial attraction & go from there. “These days I have become convinced that I am “A” sexual….lol. I have never really got caught up in a type […]