Bonjour everyone! So I decided to make a video to kind of help those of us single folks keep things in perspective as we experience the holiday season with no +1. lol Check out the video below and tell me what you think! I’m also anticipating the moment when […]

A bit rude? My apologies ladies but with a topic like this there is really no room for sugar coating. We get that enough from our friends, mothers and people who just DON’T want to hurt our feelings more than they want to tell us the brutal truth.
Of Course He Wants A Relationship, Just Not With You!

When I first launched this blog I thought it would be cool to interview a few folks that I consider to be pretty awesome.. but who, like myself, were single at the moment. I asked them 3 simple questions in order to gauge their mind-frame as a single adult in […]
Moment Of Honesty: Why Do You Truly Think You Are ...

This post has the potential to go in several different directions… and while the title is pretty straight forward, I am willing to allow its contents to take me wherever the power of an epiphany decides to take me. I stated that as a form of a disclaimer but I hope […]
Should You Date New People Even If You’re Still In ...

“Aww hell… she went there.” Yes, I most certainly did! lol But I went there because I’m starting to observe a new trend that makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Currently the score is: Hoes = 1 The Rest of Us = 0
Since Hoes Are Being Housewife’d What Does That Leave For ...

First off, I’d like to give LQ a quick shout out for allowing me to share some of my experiences on her blog. I felt like my first post, should be about something I know very well about. Dating and Social Media. As we all know “Cuffing Season” is upon […]
Guest Post: A Single Guy’s Rules To Online Dating…

Ladies, let’s talk for a minute. More specifically, SINGLE ladies. Let’s say, for the sake of example, that you’re dating this very attractive & promising guy. So far he is everything you look for in a man.. so you focus your attention on him. He’s who you’re most excited about […]
Dear Single Women: If You’re Dating Only One Man You’re ...

So everyone (should) remember that episode on Sex In The City when Carrie & the girls talked about their awkward “Secret Single Behavior” that takes place when they are alone. Charlotte liked to stare at her pores in a mirror for hours. Miranda would put vaseline on her hands & […]