Friday, 01 May 2015 6:30 PM
Ever been to a Conversation Party? If not don’t wait any longer!
A Conversation Party is just that… a gathering where we sit and mingle and have great conversation! (with wine possibly being involved!) 😉
We will talk about a plethora of topics including dating, relationships, sex, careers, social concerns, economics, politics and pretty much everything in between! All you have to bring is an open mind & respect for a variety of views!
It’s always exciting to see how men and women (specifically in our generation) feel about all of the above.
The rental space is a small, private apartment that accommodates between 10 and 15 people. It is important to show up on time as the space has only been reserved for a maximum of 2 hours. So the more punctual we are the more time for conversation and mingling!
We are asking for a $3.00 per person payment due at the time of reserving your spot since renting the space required an upfront fee. I’ll have a few refreshments for you guys as well!
Below are photos of the space that we will be occupying, which I feel will be incredibly conducive to the flow of positive vibes and deep conversation!
I am encouraging both men and women to participate and you are more than welcome to bring a friend. You must rsvp and include your +1 though, as the space can only accommodate a certain number of people.
If you have any questions please feel free to comment here or email me at [masked]! You may also text or call me at 646.828.7770.
Hope to see you there!!