Friday, 03 Apr 2015 7:00 PM
As featured on their event announcement:
“On Friday April 3, Broadway Comedy Club, Million$Pen, Ink. and the Sol-Caritas team will proclaim loud and proud: All Hail, the QUEENS!
Fresh off the success of their HISTORY MAKING Houston debut we determined it was about time the ladies of New York received some long overdue appreciation! Sol-Caritas, the country’s premier Comedy Promotions and Management Company and literary enterprise MDPI will present “Ladies In Attendance”, an exclusive affair that will feature 5-star caliber comedy and entertainment with the ladies in mind. Just to add more fuel to this potent dose of girl power the evening will be hosted by Ms. “Good Jeans” herself; your favorite stiletto slinging, pinky toe throbbing, really Julie ranting, “Broadcast to Broadway” comedian Liz Faublas!
Comedians Eric Nieves, Chris Sosa, Eddie B and Ken Boyd, charismatic and hilarious comics with a gift for making the ladies feel special, collaborate to celebrate this exquisite fan base. No double standards here! It’s not about excluding the men; it’s all about honoring our women! That’s a concept all men can appreciate and support! Gentleman, this is your opportunity to treat your wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers to an evening dedicated to the women who mean so much to us! Ladies, consider this the “Girl’s Night Out” you’ve been planning for months but could never make happen!
Plan ahead for a remarkable V.I.P event! Make that hair appointment, coordinate the perfect outfits, kick up the stilettos, grab your ride or die girls and prepare for a night of laughter you won’t soon forget! The ladies in our lives represent strength, beauty, confidence and fun-loving good times. For one night only, we celebrate all of the above with a heart-stopping, sexy, gut bending comedy show that will blow the roof off the famed Broadway Comedy Club and remind our Ladies In Attendance that they do indeed run the world!
To order tickets, log on to, or click on the Eventbrite link provided.”
If you have any questions feel free to post below int he comment section, email me at or text me 646.828.7770.