W.I.P Women In Power Networking Event!

Come and join us at our WIP (Women In Power) Networking Event. This event will feature women entrepreneurs and will focus on empowering, uplifting and celebrating women owned businesses. From innovators, to bakers, to stylist and fashionistas all in one room. Don’t miss it! #wip #womeninpower #networkingevent #support

The following vendors have been confirmed:

​​LUVU- Dress Boutique by Nelsy @luvu_nyc

The Single One in the Group- Dating Blog & Social Events by LaQuinta @thesingleoneinthegroup | www.thesingleoneinthegroup.com

Sassy Sprinkled With Classy- Customizing Creations by Jayliss @sassysprinkledwithclassy

InBtwnUs- Relationship Vlog by Nina and Michell @inbtwnus

Guilty Pleasure Cakes- Baker and Event Planner by Keila @guilty_pleasure_cakes

The Pink Closet NYC- Style on a Budget by Charity and Erika @thepinkclosetnyc

Mizfit Mingle- Pop up shop mingle by @mizfitnovelty www.mizfitnovelty.com

Drinks by Chells- Mixologist Michell @eoemb_

This event is totally FREE but please bring cash if you would like to patronize the vendors!


PLEASE rsvp here and via the event’s eventbrite link at: https://wipnetworkingevent.eventbrite.com/. This allows us to keep an accurate headcount from various rsvp sources. Thanks in advance!
