
As you guys all know by now, I’m not officially “The Single One In The Group” anymore. Yep… somebody saw greatness and bagged ya girl! *insert tongue out emoji here* As a result though, every now and then I LOVE posting pictures of me and my boyfriend… or even just […]


  Dating is exhausting. At the same time it can be liberating and beautiful. The thing that typically separates the two varying experiences is maturity, timing, and a person’s options. The most important thing, however, that determines whether or not a dating situation will be sugar or sh*t is COMMUNICATION, […]

Women Speak: Turn Offs, Exes, Real Dates, Heartbreak, and Why ...

So I’ll preface this post by giving the disclaimer that I’m referring to courtships/relationships of women who are dating men wellllllll into their late 30s, 40s and so on. Think: 8 to 15+ age difference. So I’m not talking about those of you who are dating some 32 year old […]

When Bae Is Much Older Than You: The Pros And ...

  If you have ever been confused about something that a man Did, DIDN’T DO (side eye), or even something that they have Said then you have at least one thing in common with like… 99% of women, past and present. In fact… you are probably a woman who is, […]

Men Speak: Turn Offs, Sidechicks, Settling Down, and Why Dating ...

  Bonjour everyone! So I decided to make a video to kind of help those of us single folks keep things in perspective as we experience the holiday season with no +1. lol Check out the video below and tell me what you think! I’m also anticipating the moment when […]

Single During The Holidays?