
Why? Why would a man cheat on a good woman? Why do men… Good men, cheat on good women? There are plethora of reasons why people cheat… simply because everyone is different.  They have different morals, perspectives, vices, and a different understanding of things. BUT let me try to help […]

Guest Post : A Man’s Perspective On Why Men Cheat ...

Dating for me in the last decade has been especially difficult. I have found that in adulthood, dating and relationships can, and are most times not what they appear to be. A true romantic at heart (although I am the primary facilitator and giver of the nurturing affection that go hand […]

Guest Post: Loving An Emotionally Unavailable Man

“Women who are unable to sustain romantic relationships almost always had fathers who could not be counted on, or who were emotionally or physically unavailable when they were growing up. A loving mother is not enough to offset those difficulties. A missing father can mean a lifetime search for daddy […]

Dating With “Daddy Issues” …Can Your Relationship With Your Father ...

(honestly I hate the P word, but I heard a similar phrase referenced in this same way on another male sponsored blog (S/O to the “Black Girls Are Easy” blog) and I determined that for this post it’s necessary. The shock value is necessary.) Do you remember the old saying. […]

Make Him See You In A Deeper Way Or He’ll ...

Come enjoy a Summer 2016 getaway to the fabulous Montego Bay, Jamaica that I am sure you wouldn’t want to miss! We will be staying at the 5 star Riu Montego Bay All Inclusive Resort which features 4 restaurants, 5 bars, 2 pools and a boasting nightlife atmosphere! The packages […]

We’re Heading To Montego Bay, Jamaica: July 21-25, 2016!

(All photos featured were taken by myself or another member of “The Single One In The Group”) As I sit in the Cancun Aeropuerto (peep the Spanish dialect lol) …I can’t help but to still be on a “natural high” from the success of our very first group trip! “The […]

A Recap Of Our First Group Trip: Cancun, Mexico!!!

So let me tell ya’ll something. I went to this speed dating event a good while ago… I’m talking WEEKS, and I’m just now writing about it. So if that’s any indication as to how it went then… you’ve guessed correctly. Never again. Now before I get into my experience as […]

Why I’ll Never Go To Another Speed Dating Event…

As you guys can tell trips and events are a large part of the culture here at #TheSingleOneInTheGroup. As you all know we’re taking our very first group trip in March to the fabulous Cancun, Mexico! Aside from that I have a few trips in the planning stage that I’m […]

An Update On Our Upcoming Travel and Event Plans…

Ever been to a Conversation Party? If not don’t wait any longer! A Conversation Party is just that… a gathering of folks who know how to articulate their thoughts and we sit and we mingle and we have great conversation. (with wine possibly being involved!) ?? We talk about a […]

“The Single One In The Group” Conversation Party! !

As I look at my own life and scan a few Facebook posts that have become all too common, all I can think is that the majority of us are dating like complete idiots. Myself included. Well… the time is over for sugar coating. And everything I’m about to say, […]

Either You Can Be Weak Or You Can Grow The ...