
  Serious Question. Say for instance you met this cutie and decided to have a lil’ Netflix and Chill date at your place.  Would you let him/her come into your house and just start smashing and breaking things… stealing your valuables and rearranging your furniture just because they’re cute and […]

Are You Protecting Your “Energy” When It Comes To Sex ...

As you guys all know by now, I’m not officially “The Single One In The Group” anymore. Yep… somebody saw greatness and bagged ya girl! *insert tongue out emoji here* As a result though, every now and then I LOVE posting pictures of me and my boyfriend… or even just […]


We know… your friends love you. They truly do. And your family members will drop whatever they’re doing at the first sound of a crack in your voice when you call them after a break up like “Can you talk?” . And even, at some points, they just might have some […]

Why Relationships And Seeing A Therapist Go Hand In Hand

  Dating is exhausting. At the same time it can be liberating and beautiful. The thing that typically separates the two varying experiences is maturity, timing, and a person’s options. The most important thing, however, that determines whether or not a dating situation will be sugar or sh*t is COMMUNICATION, […]

Women Speak: Turn Offs, Exes, Real Dates, Heartbreak, and Why ...

  If you have ever been confused about something that a man Did, DIDN’T DO (side eye), or even something that they have Said then you have at least one thing in common with like… 99% of women, past and present. In fact… you are probably a woman who is, […]

Men Speak: Turn Offs, Sidechicks, Settling Down, and Why Dating ...

Why? Why would a man cheat on a good woman? Why do men… Good men, cheat on good women? There are plethora of reasons why people cheat… simply because everyone is different.  They have different morals, perspectives, vices, and a different understanding of things. BUT let me try to help […]

Guest Post : A Man’s Perspective On Why Men Cheat ...

(honestly I hate the P word, but I heard a similar phrase referenced in this same way on another male sponsored blog (S/O to the “Black Girls Are Easy” blog) and I determined that for this post it’s necessary. The shock value is necessary.) Do you remember the old saying. […]

Make Him See You In A Deeper Way Or He’ll ...

Ever been to a Conversation Party? If not don’t wait any longer! A Conversation Party is just that… a gathering of folks who know how to articulate their thoughts and we sit and we mingle and we have great conversation. (with wine possibly being involved!) ?? We talk about a […]

“The Single One In The Group” Conversation Party! !

As I look at my own life and scan a few Facebook posts that have become all too common, all I can think is that the majority of us are dating like complete idiots. Myself included. Well… the time is over for sugar coating. And everything I’m about to say, […]

Either You Can Be Weak Or You Can Grow The ...

  Bonjour everyone! So I decided to make a video to kind of help those of us single folks keep things in perspective as we experience the holiday season with no +1. lol Check out the video below and tell me what you think! I’m also anticipating the moment when […]

Single During The Holidays?