
  Serious Question. Say for instance you met this cutie and decided to have a lil’ Netflix and Chill date at your place.  Would you let him/her come into your house and just start smashing and breaking things… stealing your valuables and rearranging your furniture just because they’re cute and […]

Are You Protecting Your “Energy” When It Comes To Sex ...

We know… your friends love you. They truly do. And your family members will drop whatever they’re doing at the first sound of a crack in your voice when you call them after a break up like “Can you talk?” . And even, at some points, they just might have some […]

Why Relationships And Seeing A Therapist Go Hand In Hand

  Dating is exhausting. At the same time it can be liberating and beautiful. The thing that typically separates the two varying experiences is maturity, timing, and a person’s options. The most important thing, however, that determines whether or not a dating situation will be sugar or sh*t is COMMUNICATION, […]

Women Speak: Turn Offs, Exes, Real Dates, Heartbreak, and Why ...

So I’ll preface this post by giving the disclaimer that I’m referring to courtships/relationships of women who are dating men wellllllll into their late 30s, 40s and so on. Think: 8 to 15+ age difference. So I’m not talking about those of you who are dating some 32 year old […]

When Bae Is Much Older Than You: The Pros And ...

  I’ll start this post off with a very significant disclaimer: My views don’t apply to every man out there who had an issue with Lemonade, My views don’t represent every woman out there who watched it and it’s aftermath, and My views are a reflection of my own personal […]

Have Some Men Dissed Beyonce’s “Lemonade” Project Because They Fear ...

  If you have ever been confused about something that a man Did, DIDN’T DO (side eye), or even something that they have Said then you have at least one thing in common with like… 99% of women, past and present. In fact… you are probably a woman who is, […]

Men Speak: Turn Offs, Sidechicks, Settling Down, and Why Dating ...

Why? Why would a man cheat on a good woman? Why do men… Good men, cheat on good women? There are plethora of reasons why people cheat… simply because everyone is different.  They have different morals, perspectives, vices, and a different understanding of things. BUT let me try to help […]

Guest Post : A Man’s Perspective On Why Men Cheat ...

Guess who’s on YouTube! ;-p What can you handle about your partner’s sexual past? Would you ever want to know how many people they’ve slept with? If so, what happens if they say a number you’re uncomfortable with? In addition. .. I feel that it’s okay for men to sow […]

Does The “Sexual Past” Of The People You Date Matter ...